Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bible-based logic misses the point


The chairman and one of the commissioners on the South Bend Human Rights Commission are against gays being protected from discrimination in housing and jobs because gay relationships are sinful (Tribune, Dec.12). The question which begs to be asked is, what about gays not in relationships?

I find it interesting that they have no qualms about heterosexual sinners having human rights under the law. Using their Bible-based logic, all men and women having sexual relations out of wedlock, adulterers, unwed mothers, tax cheats, rapists, murderers, wife-beaters and child-abusers should be denied fair treatment in housing and jobs.

And to really follow the big book of sins, you have to include people who eat pork and shellfish, wear cotton/polyester blends and use divination and magic for personal gain, along with farmers who rotate their crops.

The people who use the Bible as justification for denying anyone rights through the ages have always managed to skip the teachings of Jesus, especially the one that says let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.

Rick Leers, Niles

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