Sunday, May 11, 2008

Common Council member gets award from GLBT rights group

Tribune Staff Report

SOUTH BEND -- South Bend Equality, a citizens group that advocates equal protection for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, presented an award to Common Council member Charlotte Pfeifer, D-2nd, during the council's privilege of the floor Monday night.

Pfeifer was one of the co-sponsors of a proposal to add language to the city's human rights ordinance that would protect GLBT people from discrimination and allow cases to be brought to the city's Human Rights Commission.

Catherine Pittman, a spokeswoman for South Bend Equality, said the group wanted to recognize Pfeifer not only for her work in the community but for her commitment to human rights.

"This is because Charlotte listens and cares deeply about all people," Pittman said. "Thank you, Charlotte, for all that you do. Everyone who lives, works and plays in the city of South Bend from the east side to the west side is better off because of you."

The council also adopted three resolutions Monday night to honor and recognize the work of Pfeifer and council members Erv Kuspa, D-6th, and Randy Kelly, D-3rd, as they finish their terms and leave the council. Three new council members will represent those districts starting in January.

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